When it comes to choosing the right garage door for your home, there are numerous options to consider. Among these choices, metal garage doors have gained immense popularity for their durability, security, and low maintenance.

Learn the advantages of metal garage doors Broward County compared to other materials and get valuable insights on maintenance, security, and climate considerations. By the end, you'll understand whether metal garage doors are a good fit for your house.

beige metal garage doors in Broward County

Advantages of Metal Garage Doors


Metal garage doors are engineered to withstand the harshest conditions, making them an excellent long-term investment. They are typically built with steel or aluminum and are known for their strength and resistance to wear and tear.

These doors can endure extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, high winds, and intense sunlight, without warping, cracking, or deteriorating. Unlike other materials susceptible to moisture-related issues like rot or insect damage, metal garage doors are impervious to these problems.


Security is one of the main concerns of homeowners, and metal garage doors excel in this aspect. Their robust construction and durability serve as a formidable barrier against potential intruders.

Metal garage doors are not easily tampered with. Attempting to force them open is a challenging and noisy task, which can deter burglars. Many metal garage doors are also designed with reinforced locking mechanisms that provide an extra layer of security, making unauthorized entry even more difficult.

Low Maintenance

One of the standout advantages of metal garage doors is their minimal maintenance requirements, which can save homeowners both time and money. Unlike wood doors that require regular painting or staining to maintain their appearance and integrity, metal garage doors often only need occasional cleaning.

To keep your metal garage door in top condition, rinse it with a hose to remove dirt and debris, and periodically apply a lubricant to the moving parts, such as hinges, springs, and rollers, to ensure smooth operation.

Comparing Metal to Other Materials


Wood garage doors are aesthetically pleasing and enhance the overall look of your home. They offer a classic, timeless charm that many homeowners find attractive.

However, the beauty of wood comes at a cost, as they demand significant maintenance. Wood garage doors require periodic painting or staining to preserve their appearance and protect against weathering. Failure to do so can result in the wood deteriorating, warping, or developing rot.

Wood doors are also more prone to damage from moisture, pests, and fluctuating weather conditions. Humidity causes swelling and warping, making them less reliable in regions with high humidity or frequent rain.

Finally, wood garage doors are often more expensive upfront due to the material cost and the labor required for maintenance, and ongoing maintenance expenses can add up over time.


Vinyl garage doors are celebrated for their low maintenance requirements. They don't need painting or staining and are resistant to moisture, rot, and pests.

Yet, vinyl doors don't offer the same level of customization and aesthetics as wood or metal. They often have a simpler, utilitarian appearance that doesn't suit all architectural styles.

While they are generally durable, vinyl garage doors don't match the robustness and longevity of metal doors. They are likely to get dents and may not stand up as well to extreme weather conditions or physical impact.

house with two metal garage doors in Broward County

Metal Garage Doors and Energy Efficiency

Importance of Insulation

Insulation in garage doors serves as a fundamental component in achieving energy efficiency. Its primary role lies in regulating the temperature within your garage, which, in turn, has a significant impact on your home's overall energy consumption.

Without adequate insulation, your garage is subject to extreme temperature fluctuations. During the winter months, it may become excessively cold, while in the summer, it can turn into a sweltering oven.  

Insulation acts as a vital barrier, preventing heat or cold air transfer between the garage and the external environment. This feature is especially crucial when your garage is attached to your home, as temperature variations can adversely affect the comfort and energy efficiency of your living spaces.

Beyond temperature control, insulation minimizes condensation within the garage, averting moisture-related problems like mold and mildew growth, as well as potential damage to stored items. Moreover, it reduces noise, making your garage more comfortable for various activities or when living spaces are situated above it.

Energy Savings

The insulation within metal garage doors acts as a formidable barrier against heat loss or gain, ensuring your garage remains at a stable and comfortable temperature year-round. Consequently, heating and cooling systems won't need to make an extra effort to compensate for temperature fluctuations, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

Moreover, the energy savings realized through insulated metal garage doors align with broader environmental sustainability goals, which contributes to a smaller carbon footprint and supports an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Return on Investment (ROI)

While insulated metal garage doors may have a slightly higher initial cost compared to their non-insulated counterparts, the long-term benefits often outweigh this initial expense. The savings on your energy bills over time can offset the upfront investment.

Beyond financial savings, insulated metal garage doors offer enhanced comfort and convenience, elevating your home's overall value and functionality.

Maintaining Metal Garage Doors

Regular Maintenance is Key

Proper maintenance maximizes the lifespan of your metal garage doors. A routine maintenance schedule helps avoid expensive repairs and ensures your doors operate smoothly.

Cleaning and Lubrication

Use a gentle detergent, brush, or cloth to remove grime, dirt, and dust. Pay particular attention to the door's tracks and hardware. Keeping these components clean can prevent them from wearing out prematurely.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Apply a high-quality garage door lubricant to moving parts such as hinges, rollers, springs, and tracks. Lubrication helps reduce friction, making your door work smoothly and quietly while extending the lifespan of these components.

Inspect and Tighten Hardware

Periodically inspect all the hardware, including. Over time, bolts, nuts, screws, and fasteners become loose because of the constant movement of the door. Tightening them ensures the door remains secure and safe to use.

Rust Prevention

Regularly inspect the door's surface for any signs of corrosion, including small spots of rust or areas where the paint has chipped or scratched. Use a wire brush to eliminate rust, and then apply a rust-resistant primer and paint to prevent further corrosion.

Additionally, consider applying a rust-inhibiting coating or sealant to the entire door surface as a preventive measure.

Weatherstripping Maintenance

Weatherstripping around the edges of the door maintains energy efficiency and keeps out debris and pests. Inspect the weatherstripping often and replace it if it shows signs of wear or damage.

Professional Inspection

While homeowners can perform many maintenance tasks themselves, it's also advisable to schedule periodic professional inspections. A professional can address potential issues before they escalate, ensuring the continued reliability and longevity of your metal garage doors.

many metal garage doors in Broward County

Looking for Metal Garage Doors in Broward County?

Metal garage doors Broward County offer several advantages that make them an excellent choice for many homeowners. Their durability, low maintenance, and customization options make them a reliable and aesthetically pleasing option.

If you're in Florida and considering metal garage door repairs or installation, we invite you to contact Florida Garage Door Company. Our experts are ready to assist you in making the right choice for your home.

a house with palm trees and a garage

Looking for the Best Garage Door Company in Broward and Palm Beach County?

When you turn to Florida Garage Door Company, you can only expect the best service and the best materials. Whether you’re in need for your home or commercial building in South Florida, we have the expert team capable of leaving you completely satisfied with the job.

Have any questions or are ready to book an appointment? Give us a call today, and we’ll be happy to help.